Start at the Kenya Coast. Finish at Nairobi
(6 days Tsavo East, Amboseli, L. Nakuru, Masai Mara road  safari finishing at Nairobi)

On this Kenya  safari you shall discover the  plains of the Tsavo east, the floors and peaks of the Mount Kilimanjaro at Amboseli, the Great rift valley escarpment, the birdlife and flamingos  of L. Nakuru and the wonders of the Maasai Mara game reserve.
Each day we shall see Kenya bring out more scenery and game viewing  wonders.
Safari accommodation is provided at a selection of lodges or tented camps.
These are classified in  luxury, standard and  mid-level category.
Your budget and adventure taste determines your choice of safari accommodation.
Safari transport is in customized open roofed  4 x 4 Toyota safari minibus.
Land cruiser jeeps are used on safari at a supplementary cost.
Safari is suitable for all age categories.


  • Tsavo East National Park
  • Amboseli national park
  • Mount Kilimanjaro and all its splendor
  • The great rift valley
  • L. Nakuru National park
  • Masai Mara game reserve
  • Masai tribes men and culture.
  • Elephant, zebra,giraffe, wildebeest, gazelle, rhino, lion, kudu, spotted hyena……
  • Flamingos, Pelicans and numerous bird species at Lake Nakuru

:    South Coast hotels – 0500hrs
:    North Coast hotels – 0600hrs

Day 1: MOMBASA – TSAVO EAST (120 kms, Appx 2.5 hrs)

Depart  the Kenya Coast  on an inland drive along  the Mombasa – Nairobi highway.
We arrive at the southern entry point  of the Tsavo east (Bachuma gate) where we shall stop briefly for refreshments. ( pay direct for refreshments)
Game viewing drives at the Tsavo east commence on entry to the park.
We shall look out for Elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion, cheetah, buffallo, ostrich………..
During the afternoon game viewing session we shall transverse the Tsavo East National park as we hunt for wildlife.
We shall drink in the serenity of the savanna plains and marvel at the splendor of the African sunset.
Your safari driver guide will take you through the Tsavo East game viewing tracks in search of the animals.
Overnight at your Tsavo east safari lodge/ tented camp

Meal Plan: Lunch, Dinner

Day 2: TSAVO EAST – AMBOSELI (300 kms, Appx 4.5 hrs)

Proceed to the Amboseli national park with a short exit game spotting drive.
Mid-day finds us at the floors of the Mount Kilimanjaro at the Amboseli National Park.
Wild animals at  the Amboseli national park are easily found.
The majestic Mount Kilimanjaro provides the ultimate background for wild animals and nature photography.
Amateur and professional photographers will have a field day at the Amboseli!
……….what  was not seen at the Tsavo East may  likely  be found at the Amboseli national park.
Overnight shall  be at your Amboseli safari lodge/ tented camp with vantage views of the  Mount Kilimanjaro.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 3: AMBOSELI – LAKE NAKURU (420 kms, Appx 7 hrs with lunch stop)

Early wake up call!
Today’s drive to the L. Nakuru National Park is  scenic.
The journey  is on smooth  tarmac via Nairobi ( Kenya’s capital city) and the central highlands of Kenya.
You may see coffee and tea plantations that canopy the red volcanic soils of the  central  Kenya highlands.
Masai herdsmen , subsistence farms and local homesteads dot the country side on our drive.
We shall stop and marvel at the sheer drop of the Great Rift Valley escarpment with  abrupt  change in climatic zones.
There shall be views of  the fresh water L. Naivasha and the alkaline Lake Elementeita.
Arrive at the L. Nakuru National park in time for a short game and bird watching drive around the lake.
Overnight at your Lake Nakuru safari / tented camp.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 4: LAKE NAKURU – MASAI MARA (280 kms, Appx 5.5 hrs)

The morning shall be spent exploring  L. Nakuru national park as we view  the flamingos, pelicans and other bird species.
The L. Nakuru National Park is host to a Rhino Sanctuary and other animal species.
Later we shall  proceed to the Masai Mara game reserve.
Arrival at Masai Mara game reserve will be in the early evening.
Game viewing drive as we head to  our Masai Mara safari lodge/ tented camp.
Overnight shall be at your Maasai mara safari lodge/ tented camp

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.


Wake up at dawn!
We indulge in game spotting and scenery viewing  today.
The  Mara  eco-system hosts the highest concentration of wild animals  per sq. km. than any other wildlife habitat in the East African region.
We will take picnic lunches and spend the day crisscrossing  the Masai Mara game reserve on game viewing drives.
We shall enjoy our picnic lunches at the Mara river crossing as we watch the hippos and crocodiles wallowing in the Mara river.
The Masai Mara game reserve  will satiate everyone’s appetite for game viewing.
Overnight at your  Masai Mara safari lodge/ tented camp.

Meal Plan: breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


(Masai Mara to Nairobi 265 kms, Appx. 5hrs)

Your last day on safari!
We start with an early morning game viewing drive.
There shall be an extra mid-morning short game drive as you exit the Maasai Mara.
Proceed to Nairobi with a lunch stop.
Arrive Nairobi in the late afternoon.

Transfer to your Nairobi hotel / Nairobi airport / residence

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch


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